Recently CSIRO Staff Association representatives met with Human Resources management in an effort to resolve the dispute in relation to job cuts in the Minerals and Manufacturing Business Units.
While CSIRO has moved significantly on several points relating to the dispute, there is still disagreement on the method of consultation – or lack thereof – between Business Units across the organisation.
A win for members
The Staff Association welcomes movement from CSIRO Human Resources (HR) on two key issues: the application of group assessments and the provision of information to individually impacted officers.
The group assessment process
CSIRO has recognised that cross-CSOF level group assessments had been occurring without senior management and HR being clear about the future roles that officers would be required to be assessed against.
Due to the strong action of the Staff Association, CSIRO has agreed to fully establish the future roles required by the organisation prior to embarking on a group assessment processes. CSIRO has also agreed that when a group assessment is conducted, officers will be assessed at the same CSOF classification, and not across multiple CSOF levels as previously conducted.
This change in CSIRO’s position means that members who are impacted should be put through a fairer and more transparent process. If individual members are still impacted by a group assessment process, please contact your Staff Association delegate or organiser and email
Advice and information provided to individual impacted officers
CSIRO has agreed with the union that Part 6 of Schedule 3 of the Enterprise Agreement (EA) provides for individual staff to be provided specific information in writing if it is determined that their position is potentially redundant, and that in part, generic statements across multiple advice letters have been used. CSIRO has agreed, on a case-by-case basis, to provide further information to impacted officers on request.
CSIRO has also agreed that in any future redundancy process, if an officer requests the involvement of a representative, the representative will be provided with a full copy of the written advice in respect of the officer concerned. If you are seeking further information on the advice provided to you by CSIRO, please contact your Staff Association delegate or organiser and email
Consultation across CSIRO still a sticking point
The Staff Association maintains the view that officers who may be transferred/allocated to another Business Unit should not be impacted in a redundancy process. Multiple members are continuing to inform the Staff Association that they have been identified as potentially redundant, despite the likelihood of being transferred to another Business Unit.
The EA provides that individual staff should only be identified as potentially redundant if their position is not required by CSIRO as a whole; not just in one Business Unit. The Staff Association’s view is that early consultation between Business Units in CSIRO is deficient, leading to multiple staff being put through unnecessary and stressful potential redundancy processes.
CSIRO’s position continues to be that it is appropriate for Business Units to operate independently during redundancy processes and that a CSIRO-wide approach to science prioritisation and capability and workforce planning is not necessary. The Staff Association disagrees with CSIRO’s position and will continue to pursue this matter.
What’s next?
The Staff Association will continue to strongly represent the interests of members by enforcing the provisions of the EA. This also includes reserving the right to refer the industrial dispute to the Fair Work Commission if the dispute cannot be fully resolved. We are also determined to achieve consistency and fairness for all staff in CSIRO, no matter which Business Unit they are in at any given time.
Have your say!
The union is guided by its members. If you are impacted by the changes or want to provide your feedback, please speak with your local Staff Association delegate or organiser, or email
Non-members need to join
The Staff Association only provides support to members. If you are aware of non-members that wish to join for assistance or support fairer working conditions, email or speak to a local delegate or organiser.