Elected workplace delegates are the key leaders of the CSIRO Staff Association in workplaces across the country. A workplace delegate performs the most valuable role in our Staff Association, by representing the interests of colleagues in their workplace and leading campaigns to improve conditions and the work environment in CSIRO.
Every year in June, the Staff Association conducts elections for workplace delegates. In 2018-19, 59 delegates have been elected, representing all States and Territories. Delegates are supported by Staff Association organisers and can access formal training to develop representational, negotiation and interpersonal skills.
Staff Association workplace delegates in 2018-19
Delegates undertake a recognised role in CSIRO
The CSIRO Enterprise Agreement 2017-2020 (EA) recognises workplace delegates as representatives and corporate citizens of CSIRO. Many clauses of the EA confer rights to representatives, including the recognition of the delegate role in work objectives of Stage 1 of the Annual Performance Agreement process.
“Delegates not only make great contributions on behalf of Staff Association members; they also improve CSIRO as an organisation, by identifying and resolving many issues in the workplace.” said Secretary Sam Popovski. “Everything the Staff Association achieves collectively is because of the contribution of delegates and members.”
Thinking of becoming a delegate to support colleagues and develop your skills?
You still can! Even though elections for workplace delegates have recently been completed, the Staff Association Council is able to appoint new delegates during the year. Talk to your Staff Association organiser or delegate in your State/Territory or email csstaff@cpsu.org.au for more information.