Two important meetings were held in December to wrap up a big year for Staff Association members. The Consultative Council meeting between Executive and union representatives followed the Staff Association’s Annual General Meeting at CSIRO’s Waite Campus in Adelaide.
CSIRO Consultative Council is the biannual formal meeting between CSIRO Executive and Staff Association representatives.
Consultative Council
Despite operating within a shorter than usual format, the Staff Association achieved:
“The meeting was productive, but the actions arisings are the most important thing for members to keep an eye on in coming months,” Staff Association Secretary Sam Popovski said.
“Despite improvements in overall morale during 2018, there are some worrying trends heading into 2019. Workloads are exceedingly high for many staff and health and safety is at a critical juncture.”
“Consultative Council and our other mechanisms in keeping the CSIRO Executive, senior management and HR accountable will continue to be a key priority for the Staff Association next year.”
Annual General Meeting
The Staff Association’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held at CSIRO Waite Campus on Thursday 6 December.
The AGM forms a key part of governance and financial accountability to members and reporting to the Registered Organisations Commission (ROC).
“Thank you to all members who attended the AGM, and those that provided apologies, comments and questions,” Mr Popovski said.
Minutes of the meeting are now available on our website.
“Under new ROC requirements, the Staff Association is also required to provide members with an annual officer and related party disclosure statement, which can also be found on the AGM page of our website,” Mr Popovski said.
More information and documents