The CSIRO Staff Association awards several scholarships each year to eligible members; another great benefit of union membership.
The scholarship program is designed to support the ongoing development of skills and qualifications of members in the workplace.
This scholarship was established in the early 1990s in honour of John Little, a former Technical Association Federal President and Victorian Branch Chairman. It was John’s foresight that set the Association on the path to support the professional development of members.
John Little (study) Scholarships support members who are undertaking study leading to the award of a formal qualification, and who are classified up to CSOF Level 3 Max in CSIRO.
The scholarships are $1,000 each and assist with the costs of study related expenses, including course fees and materials. Up to three scholarships are awarded each year.
Our Women in Science Careers Scholarships recognise the importance of supporting women in developing their careers.
The union is committed to supporting women in CSIRO and plays a leadership role in improving all aspects of equity, diversity and work-life balance.
Women in Science Careers Scholarships support the professional development of women in science careers at CSIRO by providing vertical networking opportunities, shadowing senior role models and/or mentoring programs.
The scholarships are to assist with the costs of travel, accommodation and sundry expenses. Up to $3,000 is awarded each year.