CSIRO Information Management and Technology (IMT) is an essential support service for all staff at CSIRO.
However, as the Enterprise Services (ES) restructure progresses and impacts IMT, concerns around consultation have been raised, again.
Despite researchers repeatedly voicing concerns they are not receiving timely updates on the ES Reform consultation processes that will directly affect them, CSIRO Executive continue to follow a cascading approach.
This has confused IMT staff by receiving differing or incomplete information on restructures and job roles, while the workload impact on research staff is not clear and open to interpretation.
Reports received by the union indicate that many researchers are unaware of the IMT consultation processes currently underway, including how the proposed changes will directly affect them and what future additional costs will be applied to their projects due to planned ES restructure changes.
As a result of representations made by the Staff Association, CSIRO has agreed to extend the closing date for consultation on the impact of ES reform on IMT until Friday 4 April 2025.
Staff have also highlighted difficulties navigating MyCSIRO when attempting to provide feedback on ES restructure impacts, including not having access to the response once submitted and the inability to offer anonymous observations.
In the current environment, the Staff Association recognises that some staff have valuable commentary on the ES restructure and IMT impacts but are reluctant to provide this unless on a confidential basis.
In the interests of improving consultation, the Staff Association strongly encourages both members in IMT and Research Units, to provide feedback to the union.
This will ensure all staff within IMT and those outside, who will be directly affected by the proposed changes, can provide a response on IMT impacts and improve the overall ES restructure consultation process.
You can provide your feedback to the CSIRO Staff Association by following this link.
If you have provided questions to CSIRO on the ES restructure through some other format but have yet to receive a response, please feel free to resupply that feedback to us as well.
IMT employees who are Staff Association members and are potentially affected are encouraged to contact the union to arrange support and individual representation.