Many staff in CSIRO have been talking about the next enterprise bargaining process.
Here’s a concise FAQ on what we know so far.
When does the current Enterprise Agreement expire?
14 November 2020 (about 18 months from now). The Staff Association’s goal is to have a new agreement negotiated well before this date.
Are there more pay rises to come?
No. The third and last pay rise (1.5%) of the current Agreement has been paid to all staff in the last pay period of May this year.
When will the Staff Association be commencing its bargaining campaign?
From next month, the Staff Association will begin talking to members about our campaign timeframe, including the development of a bargaining position with members.
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Can delays in reaching agreement and future pay rises be avoided?
The Staff Association will be ready to negotiate well before the current Agreement expires. Under the Fair Work Act, the formal commencement of bargaining is determined by the employer.
The Staff Association will be placing pressure on CSIRO Executive to commence negotiations early.
Will CSIRO Executive be directed by the Minister to apply the Government’s bargaining policy?
This is not resolved.
The Staff Association will be advocating to the Minster for Science and the CSIRO Board and Executive in order for the public service bargaining policy not to apply to CSIRO.
How will the Staff Association develop its bargaining position?
There will be a range of mechanisms, online and in the workplace, for members to input, influence and ultimately endorse the position the Staff Association takes to the negotiation table.
What are likely to be the main issues?
Despite the difficulties imposed in the last bargaining round, about 90% of conditions were retained in the Agreement.
Members will look to protect and strengthen a range of important working conditions and achieve a decent pay increase.
Are the salaries of CSIRO staff behind others in the market?
Yes, for many staff.
The last bargaining round resulted in an effective 1% per annum pay rise over six years, meaning CSIRO salaries are now out of step with university and other competitor salaries.
What chance do we have to improve the current Agreement?
By standing together through bargaining, staff will exert the greatest influence on CSIRO Executive and the Government.
It will not be easy, but improvements need to be made so CSIRO and staff can continue to deliver in the future.
What is the Staff Association asking of members now?
Stay informed as we begin regular communications next month. Ask your colleagues to join the Staff Association.
Keep contacting us at with questions or comments.