Further progress in bargaining but no agreement on pay and super
Further progress in bargaining but no agreement on pay and super
The latest bargaining negotiation meeting between Staff Association and CSIRO representatives made further progress, with all clauses in Part C of the Enterprise Agreement (EA) being considered.
The Staff Association reached agreement in-principle on 10 of the 17 clauses of Part C, as no parties made claims to change substantive provisions of these clauses in the current EA.
However, CSIRO management and Staff Association bargaining representatives could not agree on pay or superannuation.
Progress report
Five other clauses in Part C are still under deliberation:
CSIRO traineeships: parties looking to improve traineeship pay rates;
Flexible Remuneration Packaging: Staff Association seeking a greater range of salary sacrifice options for staff;
Overtime: Staff Association seeking clarity for staff at CSOF Level 5 and above to claim time off in lieu for extra hours worked, even though staff at CSOF Level 5 and above are ineligible for overtime payments.
AAHL specific conditions: Staff Association proposing that all AAHL staff, including casuals (currently excluded), be eligible for existing site and secure allowances.
Travel: Staff Association seeking certainty in payment of the minor expense payment for domestic and overseas travel.
Two clauses in Part C are not agreed:
Rates of Pay: the Staff Association seeking increases of at least 2.7% per annum (figure derived from the Staff Association’s bargaining issues survey) and further information and discussion with CSIRO Executive on salary competitiveness with universities and the private sector at the next negotiation meeting. CSIRO Executive have offered 2% per annum.
Superannuation: the Staff Association seeking employer contributions of at least 15.4%, regardless of choice of fund. Currently those staff that choose a fund other than PSSap, only receive 9.5% superannuation. CSIRO is one of only three organisations in the Federal Government sector that maintain this inequitable position. Staff Association members are also seeking choice to support superannuation funds with environmentally sustainable investment options. At this stage, CSIRO representatives have proposed a bargaining workshop in February to consider superannuation entitlements.
February workplace meetings
The next bargaining negotiation meeting will be held in the week beginning Monday 3 February.
The Staff Association will be conducting national workplace meetings throughout February to provide the opportunity for input and direction from members on all issues and clauses, considered so far in negotiations and in future negotiation meetings.
Join the union
Support a fair collective agreement in CSIRO by joining the Staff Association. For more information on membership email csstaff@cpsu.org.au or speak to your local organiser or delegate.