Following the most recent formal negotiation meeting, all bargaining parties have arranged for an Enterprise Agreement (EA) proposal to be submitted to the Australian Public Service Commission (APSC) for assessment.
For now, formal negotiation meetings have ceased, but will reconvene following the outcome of the APSC assessment and the direction provided to Staff Association negotiators by members.
The Staff Association will enter into a comprehensive consultation period, including workplace meetings by video conference and an online poll.
What happens next?
The Staff Association will enter into a comprehensive consultation period, including workplace meetings by video conference and an online poll. Members will have all details of the EA proposal, and the opportunity to direct Staff Association negotiators on the position that should be taken on any clauses and overall.
What is the status of each clause in the EA proposal?
The Staff Association analysis document provides the status of each clause in the proposal. The clauses fall in four categories:
Category 1: Agreed, with no substantive change to the clause – 69 clauses (refer to the analysis document).
Category 2: Agreed, with improvements to the clause – 14 clauses including; Context of this Agreement, Medical Assessment, AAHL (Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness), Annual Performance Agreement, Reward Assessment Procedures, Appointment, Merit Promotion and Advancement (CSOF Level 7 and above), CSOF Level 3 Advancement Criteria, Non-cash Recognition Rewards, Management Accountability, Parental Leave (all clauses), Sick and Carer’s Leave, Recreation Leave, Family and Domestic Violence Leave, Workplace Issues Resolution Procedure.
Category 3: Not agreed, with no substantive change to the clause but the Staff Association seeking improvements – 7 clauses including; Casual Employment, Superannuation, Overtime, Staff Participation and Consultation, Representatives, Miscellaneous Leave, Voluntary Emergency Management Activities.
Category 4: Not agreed, with substantive change to the current EA clause, reflecting CSIRO management’s position – 3 clauses including; Market Related Employment, Rates of Pay, Specified Term Employment.
What are the important unresolved issues?
Can members influence changes to clauses?
Yes. Members have the final say on the Staff Association’s position in negotiations on every clause and the overall position on the EA proposal. If you do not agree with the clauses the Staff Association has agreed in principle (Categories 1 and 2), you can let us know.
Similarly, if you have views on clauses not agreed and CSIRO management’s position, we can work together to achieve changes before the EA proposal goes to an all staff vote, or recommend staff not support the overall proposal.
Decision time
This is a critical time for enterprise bargaining. Staff Association negotiators have worked diligently to progress a new agreement proposal as soon as practicable after staff voted down CSIRO Executive’s proposal for a unilateral determination.
It’s now time for members to have their say and provide direction to Staff Association negotiators before an EA proposal potentially goes to an all staff vote in late May.
Next steps
We will be providing more detailed information to members through the consultation process that will commence following the Easter period. The process will involve presentations and opportunity for member feedback through WebEx meetings and electronic feedback mechanisms.
Join the Staff Association
Show your support for decent working conditions at CSIRO by joining the Staff Association. Given the current challenging circumstances, we’re waiving fees for new members until May. If you’re not yet a member, join today by emailing or contact one of our organisers.
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