Progress towards the consideration of a new Enterprise Agreement (EA) proposal is still on track despite new delays as a result of the Australian Public Service Commission (APSC) approval process.
CSIRO Human Resources (HR) management have been in discussions with the APSC on individual clauses and the overall EA proposal. These discussions have taken over a month, resulting in delay into June – rather than May – for the formal consideration and staff vote on a new EA proposal.
Will the proposal change?
It is not yet clear if significant changes will be made to individual clauses or the overall proposal. The Staff Association has called on CSIRO bargaining representatives to report back to formal negotiations if the APSC suggests any cuts to EA conditions or removes any agreed improvements.
The Staff Association believes CSIRO Executive and HR must strongly represent the good faith and integrity of the bargaining process and parties, who have worked diligently to agree on the vast majority of clauses and to seek to develop a new EA in a timely manner.
Will the Staff Association consult again with members?
Members will receive further information on individual clauses when it is provided to the Staff Association negotiating team by CSIRO HR. The Staff Association Council will evaluate if any significant changes are proposed, and make a recommendation to members, in the event of no or little change to the overall proposal.
If significant changes are proposed by the APSC and accepted by CSIRO Executive, the Staff Association will again consult broadly with members.
What is the current position of members?
The Staff Association completed our consultation process on the new EA proposal in April. Through that process, nearly 4 in 5 members (78 per cent) directed the Staff Association to support the EA proposal in the upcoming staff vote.
Members reiterated our disagreement with CSIRO Executive’s position on pay, superannuation and postdoctoral conditions. The Staff Association is not agreed with CSIRO Executive on these bargaining clauses.
What happens next?
Members will receive a further update on the new EA proposal, including any changes arising from the protracted discussions between the APSC and CSIRO HR.
The Staff Association is committed to strongly representing the views of our members as we seek to have a fair and reasonable EA proposal put to a staff vote very soon.
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