Selected CSIRO media mentions for the week commencing 28 June 2021. If you encounter a paywall, request a text version by emailing the article title here.
The country’s peak scientific body is set to carry out new research to help identify possible new treatments for COVID-19. In a new $1.7 million project, scientists at the CSIRO will look to develop new ways of screening existing drugs to be used to treat Covid patients – Canberra Times, 2 July 2021.
A blood test to help guide the treatment of oesophageal, stomach and bowel cancers will be evaluated in a new Flinders University trial set to get underway. The trial is thanks to a federal government grant of almost $2 million announced yesterday, with Flinders University awarded funding for three projects, totalling $5.8 million – Mirage News, 1 July 2021.
The Australian government is investing over AU$8 million (£4.3 million) in new projects designed to improve the skills and availability of cyber security professionals in the country, in line with its aim to become a leading digital economy by 2030 – IT Pro, 30 June 2021.
A CSIRO review has confirmed water modelling on which the proposed $80 million Southern Forests Irrigation Scheme (SFIS), near Manjimup, is currently based, was flawed – Farm Weekly, 1 July 2021.
Australia’s tropical rainforests will dry out, marine and land heatwaves will become more frequent and intense, and thunderstorms will dump more rain and worsen floods as the globe heats up, according to the final report of the federal government’s Earth Systems and Climate Change Hub – WA Today, 1 July 2021.